Monday, May 25, 2009

Herbal - Milk Thistle

***Disclaimer*** this article is a summary of online research and does not constitute medical or expert advice, no claims or recommendations are to be taken from the information herein.

Milk Thistle (Silybums Adans spp) is a flowering member of the daisy family and is native to North Africa, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean. Extracts of Milk Thistle containing Silymarin are commonly promoted as having positive effects on the liver. Silymarin is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant with estrogenic effects (the estrogenic effects are the reason that pregnant and nursing women, as well as those with uterine, ovarian or breast cancers should definitely avoid this supplement.)

Research into medical uses of milk thistle extract has been promising. Some studies have indicate no statistical difference in individuals taking milk thistle to treat liver disease, others have shown positive effects in individuals exposed to liver toxins (mushrooms, toluene, xylene.) The general consensus is that more rigorous studies are needed to establish the benefits and action of silymarin.

Other possible benefits of Milk Thistle Extract include:
  • Reduction of cholesterol levels
  • Reduction of insulin resistance in Type 2 Diabetics

  • Treatment of hangovers

Milk Thistle can cause mild to severe allergic reactions in sensitive individuals and shouldn't be taken by individuals who are allergic to ragweed.



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